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03 928 26 29

Canterbury Heat Pump Specialists

Compare Prices

Compare our heat pump prices to some of the major retailers.

At Heat Force we aim to give you great deals on great heat pumps with service that is second to none. To see how we compare on pricing check out the table below for some direct comparisons against some of the major retailers.

Prices below are for heat pump hardware only, excluding any installation costs, as advertised on the major retailers websites 26th February 2025
Prices are subject to change without notice and the prices listed below may not reflect current pricing.



Heat Force

Smiths City

Harvey Norman

Fujitsu ASTH18KMTD
$2195.00 not advertised not advertised
Fujitsu ASTH22KMTD
$2595.00 not advertised not advertised
Panasonic Z25UFRAW Floor Console (3.4kW) $1995.00 not advertised   $2086.00
Panasonic Z35UFRAW Floor Console (4.3kW) $2245.00 not advertised   $2331.00
Panasonic Z50UFRAW Floor console (5.6kW) $2595.00 not advertised   $2608.00
Panasonic Z35AKR with Wi-Fi
$1545.00 not advertised  $1648.00
Panasonic Z42AKR with Wi-Fi
$1795.00 not advertised   $2098.00
Panasonic Z50AKR with Wi-Fi
$1995.00  not advertised $2298.00
Panasonic Z71XKR with Wi-Fi
$2775.00  not advertised $3198.00
Mitsubishi MFZ-KW50VGK rapid heat floor console with Wi-Fi (5.8kW) $3425.00 not advertised not advertised
 Mitsubishi Hypercore MFZ-KW50VGKHZ rapid heat floor console with Wi-Fi (5.8kW) $3845.00 $3999.00  not advertised
 Mitsubishi MFZ-KW60VGK rapid heat floor console with Wi-Fi (6.5kW)  $3845.00 $3999.00  not advertised
 Mitsubishi Hypercore MFZ-KW60VGKHZ rapid heat floor console (6.8kW)  $4375.00  $4479.00  not advertised
Mitsubishi MSZ-AP42VGKD
(5.4kW with Wi-Fi)
$2195.00  $2199.00 not advertised
Mitsubishi MSZ-AP50VGKD (6.0kW with Wi-Fi)  $2395.00 $2349.00 not advertised
Mitsubishi MSZ-AP60VKGD
(6.8kW with Wi-Fi)
$2845.00  $2999.00 not advertised
Mitsubishi MSZ-AP71VGKD
(8.0kW with Wi-Fi)
$3495.00 $3799.00 not advertised
Mitsubishi MSZ-AP80VGKD
(9.0kW with Wi-Fi
 $3995.00 $4199.00 not advertised


* Special price
** With Wi-Fi price includes the optional Wi-Fi controller

Our installation costs are also very competitive so it pays to check this when purchasing a heat pump.
For more information or to arrange for a free in-home consultation and quote contact us today. We'd love to hear from you!


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